Sales & Leasing Information
Lock Box – Realtors may place a lock box in the Cabinet in the Motor Lobby to facilitate showing units. Please contact security or download the Lock Box Form.
Sign In - Realtors are asked to sign in and out at the Security Office when showing units.
Building Access – Realtors with an Ibutton Key can access the building through either the north or south Lobby doors. Others may contact security, present business identification, sign in and obtain entry to the building.
Move In - All move in reservations must be made through the Management Office on a first come-first served basis. Moves are scheduled Monday through Friday from 8 to 5 p.m. Please review the Move In Form for further information.
Signs – For Sale signs may not be placed in the common areas.
Lease Agreement - Units may be leased for a minimum one year term. A copy of the lease agreement and a signed Lease Addendum must be provided to the Association before the move in can take place.
To contact the Escrow Department, contact Data Systems Services at 818 788-3040.